Tasty Beets

When I think of beets I always think red, crunchy and earthy. But unfortunately, some people think beets taste like dirt. Maybe that’s because they have a chemical called Geosmin, which means “dirt smell”. And maybe because they are also called “beetroot”, which of course is how they are grown.

Beets are best known for their health benefits. For example, it can significantly lower blood pressure and decrease inflammation. Beets are high in fiber and can help control blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol and keep your system regular. They can also support the health of your brain, heart and digestive system.

I enjoy beets many different ways. I use them raw and thinly sliced beets in my salad, drink fermented beet juice, and oven roasted, boiled, or steamed as a side dish. You can find fermented beet juice called Beet Kvass from Wild at heart Ojai and you can find dehydrated beet chips from Gigi’s Healthy Snacks. At the Ventura Co Certified Farmers’ Markets, you can find beets in a variety of colors – red, yellow, gold, striped and pink. They are a staple in the markets during the winter months and are available at several different stands.

Let us know if you have any delicious recipes that you would love to share and we will feature it on our social media and website.